Mon – Fri : 08 AM – 08 PM – Sat: 08 Am – 03 PM
+ 0035 558 -264-32
Our prenatal test is a NO RISK TEST. You do not need to undergo invasive procedures like amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling which can endanger the life of the unborn baby, induce early labour or cause miscarriage.
With our non-invasive test you will have No side effects such as fevers, cramping, vaginal spotting or leakage of amniotic fluid which can happen following invasive procedures.
The sample collection for our test can be performed by a trained nurse or phlebotomist. You do not need to pay expensive OBGYN fees to collect the samples making this test more cost effective.
Our non-invasive prenatal test can be carried out earlier in the pregnancy than other invasive prenatal tests. At just 10 weeks of pregnancy we can determine with accuracy the paternity of the unborn child.
From immunizations to checkups and preventive care, exams, our primary care physicians and providers work to keep you and your whole family healthy and strong each and every day.
2 x 10-ML Blood Collection Tube (BCT) for the preservation of fetal DNA in the blood sample. This tube is for the mother’s blood.
A bar code label will be provided. You will use this to label the 10-ML blood collection tubes above.
A special biohazard bag with zip to place DNA samples in.
Boxing, packaging, return labeling and Exempt Human Label (a hazardous shipping label for human or animal biological substances to mark containers that contain excretions, blood or human tissue).
From immunizations to checkups and preventive care, exams, our primary care physicians and providers work to keep you and your whole family healthy and strong each and every day.